To Kill A Mockingbird



Racial Injustice- This is a big theme in the story.  There is a lot of discrimination against blacks during this time.  Racial Injustice is also very important because of the Tom Robinson case.

Dishonesty-  Dishonesty is a theme because during the trial, Mayella is obviously not telling the truth.  Her story does not make any sense but, Tom is proven guilty anyway because he is colored.

Controversy-  There is a lot of controversy through out  the book.  Scout is always getting into an argument with someone, and then there is the whole trial and all of that drama.  Mr. Finch is always finding himself in the middle of some kind of fighting, it is just a mess.

Family-  This is major theme in the story.  The Finch's must stick together through everything because there is a lot of bad mouthing going on about Atticus and how he is a "nigger lover" and such it's a lot for Scout and Jem to handle.  Calpurnia is also important in their family, she is truly the one that holds everything together.  They are a close family and are there for each other through thick and thin.

Friendship-  In the town of Maycomb everyone knows everyone and everybody gets a long for the most part.  There is obviously some who do not always see eye to eye on everything but nobody makes a big fuss over it.  Scout and Jem have a very important friendship with a boy named Dill.  Also, even though they are family Jem, Scout, and Atticus have a strong friendship that keeps them together as a family.