To Kill A Mockingbird



  The book To kill A Mockingbird was an interesting and good book to read.  I enjoyed this book and learned from it.  I liked the story and what it was about and how the characters interacted with each other. I can relate to this book and even some of the characters.  Also, I enjoyed how Harper Lee wrote this on an experience in her life.

 I can say after reading this book I learned a lot more about how things were down in the south.  Racial injustice is another thing I never really thought about but with the situation in this story it made me think about how unfair things were just because of your skin color.  There were also a bunch of rules for women and certain things they could not do.  Down in the South it seems that there were a lot of restrictions and rules towards certain people.  If we had rules like back then today I would probably go crazy.

 I really enjoyed the story and how the characters interacted with each other.  I like how they were such a close family and they talked about everything with each other.  Atticus is one of my favorite characters because even though Scout and Jem were young he always did his best to try and let them know what was going on, he really did not hide anything from them.  He was also a very reserved and respectful person, which I admire.  Scout was also a favorite because she was so bold and aware of everything around her for how young she was.

 I can relate to this book in some ways and some of the characters.  Tom Robinson was obviously screwed over because he was colored which is very unfair.  The jury knew he did not commit that crime, all the evidence showed he didn't.  They found him guilty anyway because he was colored.  I have been in situations similar to that.  For instance, in sports you can be a freshman and out work or even be more skilled than some of the upper classmen but, you still will not play over them because your a freshman.  To be in that situation really sucks.  Jem is a character I can relate to.  He always has to be the older and more mature one always looking after Scout.  I always have to be the same way looking after my younger siblings and it gets annoying sometimes so I can understand why Jem loses his patience with Scout.

 Harper Lee wrote this book sort of about her life.  I really like when authors write about something that happens too them because they can understand it so much better.  They write and can add more detail and they know what it was like so they can put in that emotion they feel.  She did a very good job with this book and putting detail in it.  I can say I really enjoyed this book and the story it told.